I am in the process of UV'ing the different modular pieces of the chateau.
Substance Designer
I followed a tutorial on how to make tile-able stone brick materials. The tutorial was longer than I thought, and despite it saying beginner, it took me over 6+ hours to make this while following along. I adjusted the parameters to try and match up the colors as close as I could with my references.
Speed Tree
I am following a video to make crawling ivy. I ran into some problems with SpeedTree, so I am behind on my foliage process. I am hoping to have this finished within the next 1-2 days, along with my tree I have already worked on. The progression for the tree is also slower then expected, so there is no updated imagery.
I am really behind for this project. Within technical and outside forces, the progression for completing this weeks tasks came almost to a halt for a few days. I am hoping that by the end of the 4th week for Check-In, I can accomplish everything I have been working on.
Architecture Assets
- Main Entrance Archway
- Wide Side Archway(s)
- 1 Arched Door
- 2 Arched Door Frame/Entrance
- Main Roof System
- Roof Trim Side
- Roof Trim Top
- Window Trim
- Crawling Ivy #1
- Crawling Ivy #2
- Large Tree
Week 1: (Short)
Reference Blockout Start High Poly Blockout/Sculpt
Week 2:
Continue Work on High Poly Sculpt Start Foliage Pieces Setup Texture's with Designer (1 or 2)
Lighting 1st-2nd Pass
Week 3:
High Poly Sculpt Finish
- Texturing (WIP)
- Finish Foliage (Almost there)
- Retopo (Start)
- Lighting Pass 2nd/3rd Pass (WIP)
- Implement Finished Assets into UE (WIP)
Week 4:
- Texturing Finished
- Final Implementation of Assets into UE
- 3rd/Final Lighting Pass
- Post-Process Final Adjustments
- Final Check-In