Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Cannon Week 04


  1. Wood looks really great but the cannon seems a lil too smooth, lacking a bit of texture.

  2. Add a hole! Loving the wood, maybe add a bit more detail on the ends of the plank and some of your smaller metal parts!

  3. Good work on the wood sculpting. Put more damage on the wooden blocks as they seem too sharp and feel like they're missing a bevel. Metal requires a bit more damage.

  4. Looking great! I think you're missing a piece on the rear wheels, also I'd reccomdend using a Trim Dynamic brush to knock back some of the edges of the wood to give it a less "digital" look. The wood grain texture is looking excellent though.

  5. I love the shape of your cannon and wood texture. My only critique would be to maybe dirty up your cannon a little more.

  6. Detail of the wood is good, but missing some texture to the cannon barrel. Not enough depth. I like your shapes, the metal details are nice but feel a bit thin.

  7. Hey, nice sculpt! I would like to see the edges of the wood planks more broken. Also maybe punch the weathering on the cannon tube itself. But great work!

  8. Additionally, your wood blocks look a bit too square on the corners - rough 'em up a bit!

  9. This looks great! I'd say maybe make the wood details a bit deeper to make it stand out more and more wear on the edges because the edges look a bit too crisp based on your reference photos.

  10. Hello, I really like the wood grain detail for the wheels and the mount. One thing that I can recommend is to push the separation for the wood and add more detail and wear for the barrel to match the reference.

  11. Wood on the wheels seems too clean, like it feels like it's never been used. The grunge intensity on the cannon is kinda less. Also the grey on the cannon seems to blend with the background.

  12. Your wood grain looks really nice, very authentic. I think the back wheels have a little stick or something on it that needs to be thicker. I can see inside your wheel and I don't think I'm supposed to be. Also the back of the cannon seems to have more stuff going on then yours does; for instance, the door that allows you to feed in a cannonball and the way you light it.

  13. Hi Megan! Your cannon looks awesome! The detail on the wood flows naturally and the pattern wraps around the ends well. I recommend adding a bit more rust and wear and tear to the cannon barrel to match the wearing on the wood a bit more.

  14. I like the details on the wood, and how there are spots with noticeable wear and tear. I think the metal parts need the same level of detail as the wood. It looks really great overall!

  15. I think you have really high-quality renders! I like how you capture the texture of the wood. Seeing the comparison between yours and the reference, I do think the canon can have more curve lines and be narrower.
